real estate videos

If you are in the real estate business it is a good idea to make video’s of your listing. When you make a video you will really stand out of your competition. They say a picture says more than a thousand words, what about a video? Making a video of your property that you would like to sell is the way to go!

business commercials

Commercials can have different purposes depending on what the topic is. If someone wants to get people to buy a certain product, then they will advertise in a way to attract potential buyers. The product can be anything from a service, a digital item, or a physical item.

You can also have commercials that are strictly for information. They are generally labeled as PSA’s (Public Service Announcements) and they can provide the public with information regarding things like health or environmental concerns.

The main purpose is to get your information to as many people as possible.

concerts or music videos

Have a big star performing at your location? Capture your big moments together with Maarten Léon. We can show the highlights of your event or make it a music video!

restaurant videos

Want to show your restaurant concept to the world? What better way to do that with a video? It is always easier for a customer to choose your restaurant if they already got an impression. Does your food look tasty? How do we make a reservation?


Your goal is to present yourself as the best candidate for the position and also to learn more about the position and the interviewer's organization to determine whether both are well suited for you and your career goals.